5 Tips to Stay Ready and Prepared for Hurricane Season!

July 1, 2023

Hurricane Season is here!  Stay prepared with our 5 tips below.

With the devastation a natural disaster can bring, making sure you are equipped with the proper materials and supplies is essential before a hurricane strikes. Purchasing a home generator is one of the most important ways you can prepare your home and family for hurricanes.

Cheryl Nelson, Weather and Preparedness Advisor for Cummins, was with the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes (FLASH) at the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando, FL late last month to help educate consumers on how they can prepare for a hurricane before one strikes. Cheryl brought back five key tips FLASH shared at the conference for preparing your home and family for the upcoming hurricane season:

1. Personal Safety: The first step to prepare for a potential hurricane is knowing your surroundings and planning accordingly. Make sure you have a designated safe place in your home for your family to seek shelter in, or an evacuation route, if need be.

2. Family Preparedness: Make a safety kit, including medical supplies, flashlights and non-perishable foods, and ensure it is stored in a safe and easily accessible place. Sharing emergency tips with your children ensures everyone knows what to do and can act accordingly if the event of a hurricane evacuation.

3. Insurance Checkup: Contact your insurance agent and find out what your current insurance policy covers if hurricane damage occurs. Have them fully explain your plan, including if flood insurance is covered.

4. Strengthen Your Home: Make sure your home or building codes are up-to-date and have been recently checked. Cummins home generators allow you to keep power going for your home, despite power outages that may occur due to severe weather.

5. Community Support: Check with local officials and learn how at-risk your area is for hurricanes.

If you follow the steps above, you will be ready for hurricane season. And remember, the battle against hurricanes is won during the offseason. Take the first step in ensuring you keep power running to your home in the event a hurricane strikes your area. Start by evaluating your home power needs or requesting a free in-home assessment.

For more information on keeping your home storm ready year-round, check out more of Cheryl Nelson’s weather prep tips.

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